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Yoga Studio

Breath of Alchemy Ceremony Flow

We begin in community with sharing our intentions, then move into a one hour guided Shamanic Breath journey. This sacred journey incorporates soulful music, Shamanic tools such as drums, rattles, feathers, essential oils and healing touch. The ceremony ends with a sharing circle, shedding light on revelations, and assisting with grounding into this profound experience.


Guided Shamanic Breathwork

Shamanic Breathwork is an extremely potent way to release dense energy that’s been stored deep within our nervous systems often for lifetimes. It is also a way to literally get high on our own supply as this type of breathwork allows us to access altered states of consciousness and tap into our divinity and true power within.


This form of breathwork honors and blends the timeless wisdom of ancient traditions with the emerging new paradigm methods of healing and teaching. In this sense, it functions as a bridge between the past and future, utilizing the best of both worlds in holistically transforming body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit.


Breathing deeply activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which decreases your heart rate and blood pressure, creating a sense of inner peace, calm, and harmony.


In today's world of chronic stress, our bodies are used to releasing a surge of hormones under the fight or flight response, which puts us in a prolonged state of hypervigilance. Breathwork is a powerful modality that can reset the system and help us to relax a turbulent mind.


Bring a water bottle, journal, pillow, and blanket.


Wear comfortable loose-fitting clothing.


We recommend eating light prior to Ceremony as a heavy meal can be uncomfortable on our stomach during breathwork.


Goddess Breathwork Ceremony


Something magical happens when women come together, held in a safe ceremonial container that allows for complete vulnerability. This is an opportunity for collective feminine support and ancestral womb healing to occur. Here we are united by an awakening of limitless potential within. This ceremony offers the gift of embodied breath, trauma release, and reclamation. Together we can do so much more than we can do alone. Disrobe your soul, sistar. Come closer. Join us. Let us see you. The real untamed, unfiltered, deepest version of you.

About Ceremony: Text

Brothers Breathwork Ceremony


Imagine being seen, felt and heard in the arms of the nurturing, tender and loving energy of the Divine feminine. Divine masculinity safely expressed is the true Warrior path. In a world that has told men that it is not safe to be witnessed fully, let us hold you as you move through a range of emotions. We are committed to witnessing you in your rawest expression. We celebrate your heart's truth and lovingly honor your desire for transformation. Your radical authenticity is welcome here. This ceremony will allow you to stand in your full capability and express your immense potential and presence in all aspects of life. When you get in touch with your inner Divine Masculinity you will gain clarity of your purpose, feel liberated and inspired to be of greater service to yourself, your family and society.

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